By Kanak Kholwal Published on 4/25/2024


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A colorful, brutalist and playful theme, likely designed for a SaaS. It features a vibrant mix of pastel colors, friendly graphics, and a clear layout to present various services. Discover the adaptability of Lexington's multipage themes, each equipped with a dynamic MDX Blog and flexible sections for effortless customization. Offering the freedom to uniquely tailor your site, all our themes ensure you're up and running in hours, not days.

Pages and components

Landing Pages

  • 2x Landing Page
  • Download
  • 404

Blog Pages

  • 3x Blog home
  • 6x Blog posts
  • Tag index
  • Tag category
  • RSS


  • Sign in
  • Sign up
  • 2x Contact
  • Coming Soon
  • Forgot Password


  • Customers home
  • 4x Customers details


  • Integrations home
  • 6x Integrations details

Help Center

  • Help center home
  • 6x Help details

E Commerce

  • Store home
  • 2x Stroe details


  • Jobs home
  • Jobs details


  • Team home
  • 3x Team details


  • Changelog home
  • 3x Changelog details

System Pages

  • Color guide
  • Typography guide
  • Overview
  • Components Overview

Info Pages

  • DPA
  • About
  • Terms
  • Privacy
  • Cookies

Extended Components

  • Tabs
  • Badges
  • Tables
  • Modals
  • Alerts
  • Forms
  • Buttons
  • Tooltips
  • Sliders
  • Accordion
  • Timelines
  • Dropdowns
  • Paginations
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Notifications

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