Copyright Disclaimer

At NexoNauts, we value intellectual property rights and strive to uphold copyright laws. The content, including images, graphics, and text, utilized on this platform, is sourced from various free resources such as Freepik, Pexels, and other similar platforms, where the rights belong to their respective owners.

Fair Use Statement

Our platform operates under the principles of fair use. We utilize copyrighted material for educational, informational, or illustrative purposes only, always attributing the content to its original creators or sources where applicable.

Acknowledgment of Ownership

All copyrighted material used on is acknowledged to its respective owners. We do not claim ownership or rights over any copyrighted material that isn't developed or created by our team.

DMCA Compliance complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used on our platform in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us immediately with the necessary details for prompt removal or appropriate credit.

Contact Information

For any copyright-related queries, concerns, or takedown requests, please contact us at Contact Us.